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November 16, 2019 @ 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Sam Keen Property
175 1st St W
Sonoma, CA 95476

Protected by Ag + Open Space in 2002, the Keen property is one of Sonoma Valley’s more unique and picturesque conservation easements. It protects ancient lava flows that form walls and rooms, that in turn frame elegant displays of native plants and offer stunning portal views to the surrounding Mayacamas Mountains. With the recent rainfall, the creeks have revived across a gorgeous protected property that is home to the headwaters of Agua Caliente Creek. The October 2017 fires also heavily affected this property. We invite you to come see the land rebound, assess burned trees and learn how to interpret fire-affected landscapes. 


This hike is a part of a seasonal series. Hikes to this property will be scheduled throughout the year to give participants an opportunity to see the seasonal changes of a fire-impacted property. This outing is for experienced hikers only, with difficult to moderate hiking over uneven, steep terrain with no trail. We may pass through brushy areas, with possible exposure to ticks or poison oak. Bring appropriate clothing including long pants and sturdy footwear, a hat or sunscreen, and plenty of water. There is no charge for this outing, as it is made possible by Sonoma County Ag + Open Space and the voters of Sonoma County who fund the district’s work with a quarter cent sales tax.