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Wildflowers at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

Sugarloaf Ridge has an abundance and variety of wildflowers of all colors. Some are annual, growing from seed dropped last year or resting in the soil for many years. Others are perennial, hiding underground during the winter months and sprouting new stems from roots each year. We have shady creeks, sunny exposed rocky hillsides, a redwood forest, areas of serpentine, grassy meadows, seeps and ponds, and oak woodlands. These landscapes and soils create many unique niches that favor one plant over another. .
Our wildflower season reaches its height in spring, however, there are flowers to be found every month of the year. Each season brings out a new set of flowers. Most flowers you see in February and March won’t appear again until next winter. But you will see a whole new set in April and May. Some may not appear until August or September. There are some flowers that are not seen at all until the year after a fire, and some that can be found all year, like our State Flower, the California Poppy.
Around the next bend, you may find another beautiful surprise. How many will you discover? Take along a plant guide that goes by season, or by flower color. Learn their names. You can look for them again next year. Maybe you will see Baby Blue Eyes, or Trillium, or Paint Brush, or Goldfields!