School Programs
Team Sugarloaf – lead partner, Sonoma Ecology Center, offers a variety of programs directed at school groups of all ages.
Since 2002, Sonoma Ecology Center has been the only organization in the Valley providing in-class environmental education programs – specific to Sonoma Creek Watershed – for Sonoma youth. Offered at no cost to schools and reaching more than 1200 students every year, we provide in class lessons and bring youth to various natural sites and open spaces throughout the watershed.
With over 25 miles of trails, year-round camping, a seasonal waterfall, one of the highest peaks in Sonoma County, and the headwaters to Sonoma Creek Sugarloaf offers a wide range of educational opportunities for classes of all ages. Our well-trained staff of environmental educators and volunteer docents break up the students into small groups, rotating investigations including watershed education, naturalist scavenger hunts, plant and animal identification, local history and geology, aquatic life science, and our newly developed Quest hike.
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park is also the home of Robert Ferguson Observatory, the largest in the western United States completely dedicated to public viewing and education!
Teachers and student leaders are encouraged to apply for our field trips year-round. Our calendars fill up fast so please reach out to us ASAP with your requests.
All field trip programming is provided at no cost to the schools, however transportation must be coordinated on the classrooms own accord.
Please contact SEC Education Coordinator Tony Passantino (707.996.0712 x124) to further discuss your school outing.