Bring your own Telescope class
Do you have a telescope at home that you just don’t use because you’re not sure how it works? Or, are you looking to purchase or upgrade a telescope butContinue reading
Do you have a telescope at home that you just don’t use because you’re not sure how it works? Or, are you looking to purchase or upgrade a telescope butContinue reading
Purchase tickets at on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for yourContinue reading
MARS… the red planet. This rocky planet, fourth from the Sun, could harbor life and is the focus of much science and intrigue. Come learn what makes this planet soContinue reading
The birth of stars is going on throughout the known universe. The Milky Way has any number of huge gas clouds - "stellar nurseries" - where star formation is activelyContinue reading
Want to have a fun and educational, yet exclusive star gazing experience? Our What’s Up events are just the ticket! Our public star parties can get very crowded. We keepContinue reading