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Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Bring Your Own Binoculars & Chair

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Bring Your Own Binoculars and Chair! This is a guided tour into the wonders of the night sky that are visible through common binoculars. Guests will station their chairs in the parking lot outside the observatory and knowledgeable docents with laser pointers will guide guests to the hidden secrets of the night sky. Expect toContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Observing Lab ~ Star Death

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

The end of a star can take many forms, most of them controlled by the mass of a star when fusion at the star’s core can no longer support that mass.  In this talk we will explore how stars begin their life cycle and how the difference in their masses determines how they will end.Continue reading