Current Park Conditions | Condiciones actuales en el parque
On the Conditions page, you can find the latest updates on trail status, special projects, weather conditions, and wildflower reports at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. Stay informed about current trail accessibility, temporary closures due to maintenance or pile burns, seasonal weather impacts, and the latest wildflower sightings.
Pile Burn Notice
This week, California State Parks in cooperation with the CAL FIRE Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit is conducting a series of intermittent pile burns at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, so if you see smoke, don’t be alarmed! The burns begin on Wednesday, February 5, and will continue intermittently through the rest of winter and early spring 2025. Keep an eye on Sugarloaf’s Instagram and Facebook stories to stay updated on burn days, which will often be announced the day of.
Aviso de quema de pilas
Esta semana, California State Parks en cooperación con la Unidad de CAL FIRE Sonoma-Lake-Napa conducirá una serie de quema de pilas intermitente en Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. ¡Si ves humo, no te alarmes! La actividad comenzará mañana, 5 de febrero, y continuará intermitentemente entre semana durante el resto del invierno y la primavera del 2025. Síguenos en ésta página o en las “Historias” en Facebook para mantenerte informado en cuándo serán los días de ignición de pilas, las cuales debido a su naturaleza, se deciden ese mismo día.
Trail Status | Estado de los senderos
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park is open for day use. All roads and trails are open, but conditions are wet and slippery, with some water crossings currently impassable on Goodspeed, Gray Pine, and Pony Gate. Trails, including those in the McCormick Addition, are muddy and may have hazardous footing. The recent storm caused small slides and rockfalls, so please drive carefully. The campground is OPEN.
Please report any issues to park staff by calling 707-833-5712 or emailing
El Parque Estatal Sugarloaf Ridge está abierto para uso. Todas las carreteras y senderos están abiertos, pero los senderos están mojados y resbaladizos, con algunos cruces de agua actualmente impasables en los senderos Goodspeed, Gray Pine y Pony Gate. Los senderos, incluyendo los de la Adición McCormick, están lodosos y pueden presentar condiciones peligrosas. La tormenta reciente causó pequeños deslaves y caída de rocas, así que por favor conduce con precaución. El campamento está ABIERTO.
Por favor, reporta cualquier problema al personal del parque llamando al 707-833-5712 o enviando un correo a
Temporary Trail Closures | Cierres Temporales de Senderos
Portions of Bald Mountain Trail near the pile burn areas may be temporarily closed on certain days during the week of February 5 while piles are being ignited. Please adhere to all posted closure signage for your safety. Visitors near burn areas may see smoke from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM on burn days, with minimal smoke persisting for up to three days following ignitions.
For the latest updates, please check with staff at the Visitor Center or kiosk, especially after storms.
Porciones del sendero Bald Mountain cerca de las áreas con pilas de quema podrían cerrarse temporalmente en ciertos días durante la semana del 5 de febrero, mientras se encienden las pilas. Por favor, sigue cualquier letrero de “Sendero Cerrado (Trail Closed)” por tu seguridad. Visitantes cerca del área de quema pueden ver humo entre 8:30 AM y 6:00 PM en los días de quema, con humo reducido hasta tres días después de la ignición.
Para actualizaciones más recientes, consulta con el personal en el Centro de Visitantes o en el quiosco, especialmente después de tormentas.
Weather | Clima
For current park weather – please visit our weather page. We have links to weather stations at the Visitor Center at 1200 feet and up on Red Mt. at 2500 feet.
Wildflower Updates | Actualización sobre flores silvestres

Photo courtesy of Marielle V Chua
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park – Wildflower Update, February 17, 2025
Spring is arriving early at Sugarloaf, and the trails are beginning to bloom. While we may not have a super bloom, there is always something new to discover. Delicate blossoms, vibrant petals, and hidden gems are waiting along the trails for those who venture out.
Most wildflowers can be found along the trails, where you must hike in to see them up close. This week’s report comes from the Brushy Peaks, Gray Pine, and Meadow Trails, brought to you by Jim Webb. Come explore and see what’s in bloom!
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park-Wildflower Update, February 13, 2025
Hoary manzanita (Arctostaphylos canescens), photo courtesy of Jim Webb.By James Webb About James (Jim) Webb: Jim began volunteering with Sugarloaf Ridge State Park last February 2023 as a trail patrol […]
Fungus Among Us February 6-9, 2025
By James Webb About James (Jim) Webb: Jim began volunteering with Sugarloaf Ridge State Park last February 2023 as a trail patrol volunteer. His experience in previous work with USFS […]
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park Wildflower Update 6.14.2024
Explore the diverse flora on the Creekside, Pony Gate, and Canyon trails. Check in each week to see what’s blooming or fruiting and where. Conditions change weekly, offering a unique experience each visit. Report and Pictures brought to you by James Webb