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Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

What’s Up

Want to have a fun and educational, yet exclusive star gazing experience? Our What’s Up events are just the ticket! Our public star parties can get very crowded. We keep the attendance limited for our What’s Up program so visitors can get more time at the telescopes, more time to ask questions, and overall haveContinue reading

Weekly Native Plant Sales at Sonoma Garden Park

Sonoma Garden Park 19996 7th St E, Sonoma, CA, United States

We are selling a variety of California native plants to the public every Friday from 12:00-3:00 pm to help local gardeners create and maintain drought tolerant and pollinator-friendly gardens and landscapes. Simply drop into our Native Plant Nursery. For questions, email our Native Plant Nursery Manager at hannah@sonomaecologycenter.org. No registration needed

Senderos & RFO: Observación de Estrellas

¡Ven a conocer más acerca de nuestro universo! Los docentes del Observatorio Robert Ferguson (ubicado dentro de Sugarloaf Ridge State Park) nos guiarán en una charla astronómica bilingüe y en el uso de telescopios para que tu y tu familia puedan observar el cosmos. El evento comenzará a las <8:00> pm en el aula del Observatorio con unaContinue reading

Weekly Native Plant Sales at Sonoma Garden Park

Sonoma Garden Park 19996 7th St E, Sonoma, CA, United States

We are selling a variety of California native plants to the public every Friday from 12:00-3:00 pm to help local gardeners create and maintain drought tolerant and pollinator-friendly gardens and landscapes. Simply drop into our Native Plant Nursery. For questions, email our Native Plant Nursery Manager at hannah@sonomaecologycenter.org. No registration needed

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Cosmos & Cocoa

Join us for an unforgettable evening of stargazing, exploration, and cozy treats at Cosmos and Cocoa! This event brings together the wonders of the cosmos with a warm cup of cocoa.Kick off the night with a short, guided hike along a portion our captivating Planet Walk, where you'll encounter scale models of many of ourContinue reading