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Weekly Native Plant Sales at Sonoma Garden Park

Sonoma Garden Park 19996 7th St E, Sonoma, CA, United States

We are selling a variety of California native plants to the public every Friday from 12:00-3:00 pm to help local gardeners create and maintain drought tolerant and pollinator-friendly gardens and landscapes. Simply drop into our Native Plant Nursery. For questions, email our Native Plant Nursery Manager at hannah@sonomaecologycenter.org. No registration needed

Solar Observing

Come and view our closest star and learn about sunspots, prominences, flares and more. We observe with both visible light and radio telescopes. Sign up for this free event at https://rfo.simpletix.com.

Public Star Party

Robert Ferguson Observatory 2603 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA, United States

Purchase tickets at rfo.simpletix.com.Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions. $17.00 per adult; $12.00 forContinue reading

Calabazas Creek Preserve Hike

Calabazas Creek Preserve Sonoma, CA, United States

Join Sonoma Ecology Center for a guided springtime hike at Calabazas Creek Open Space Preserve, a stunning and ecologically rich property nestled in the foothills of the Mayacamas Mountains. This moderately strenuous 4-mile hike will take us through oak woodlands, riparian corridors, and mixed evergreen forests along an abandoned fire road.

What’s Up

Want to have a fun and educational, yet exclusive star gazing experience? Our What’s Up events are just the ticket! Our public star parties can get very crowded. We keep the attendance limited for our What’s Up program so visitors can get more time at the telescopes, more time to ask questions, and overall haveContinue reading

Weekly Native Plant Sales at Sonoma Garden Park

Sonoma Garden Park 19996 7th St E, Sonoma, CA, United States

We are selling a variety of California native plants to the public every Friday from 12:00-3:00 pm to help local gardeners create and maintain drought tolerant and pollinator-friendly gardens and landscapes. Simply drop into our Native Plant Nursery. For questions, email our Native Plant Nursery Manager at hannah@sonomaecologycenter.org. No registration needed

Van Hoosear Wildflower Walk

Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve Sonoma, CA, United States

Join Sonoma Ecology Center for our annual spring hikes at Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve, a stunning 162-acre protected area renowned for its incredible biodiversity and vibrant wildflower displays. This exclusive opportunity allows participants to experience one of Sonoma Valley’s most treasured landscapes, guided by expert naturalists from the Sonoma Ecology Center.