The end of a star can take many forms, most of them controlled by the mass of a star when fusion at the star’s core can no longer support that mass. In this talk we will explore how stars begin their life cycle and how the difference in their masses determines how they will end.
An Observing Lab is an opportunity to learn a bit about the astrophysics of stars and the interesting objects that result that are definitely within the reach of our telescopes at the Robert Ferguson Observatory. Come prepared to take your observing notes and dressed warmly so you can take advantage of observing visually through the 8-inch refractor and the 40-inch reflector, as well as through the personal telescopes of our knowledgeable docents. Some of the best observing will be using the CCD camera on the 20-inch Ritchey Chretien reflector for the really deep deep sky objects.
In case of poor weather, the alternate date is September 25, 2025.
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