What are those bright sparks zipping across the sky? The beginning of May brings the first meteor shower this year with excellent viewing conditions. Eta Aquariids are bright, fast meteors that leave persistent trains in the sky. But what causes this shower and why does it occur at the same time each year? Come learn what’s so significant about these meteors and the famous astronomer hidden behind them.
This Focus night equips you for an eta Aquariid ”peak” experience. Unlike planets that can hang around for months, a meteor shower is only visible over a short period of time. You will learn about different kinds of showers, why most are best viewed after midnight, and how to understand what you are seeing. You’ll also discover factors that influence meteor counts and how to optimize your viewing over the next few days.
Plan to be in the classroom by 8:15 PM to ensure you have a seat. Program begins promptly at 8:30. Sales are limited to 40 guests so we can provide a more personal experience. Allow generous time to arrive and park.
Please visit https://rfo.simpletix.com for important information and to buy tickets. You MUST have a ticket to attend this event; tickets will not be sold at the door. Tickets are $60 per adult, $50 for seniors (62+) and students, and $45 for members. Cost includes the Sugarloaf Ridge State Park parking fee. Please note that tickets are non-refundable and cannot be used for future events.
RFO is operated by the Valley of the Moon Observatory Association, a 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization. All proceeds go toward maintaining this beloved Sonoma County institution.